Journal Publications
Data-Driven Approaches for ITS, Sustainable Transportation Planning & Transit and Safety
- Toward Smarter Cities
*: Student advised or co-advised. #: Co-adviser
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) & Smart Cities
Adrian Cottam, Xiaofeng Li, Yao-Jan Wu (2025). VEMLAN: Imputing Missing Data for Failed Freeway Traffic Sensors. Accepted to the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Xiaofeng Li, Zirui (Raymond) Huang, Yi-Chang Chiu, Yao-Jan Wu (2025). Incident Duration Sequential Predictions Using Reinforcement Learning for Advanced Traveler Information System Applications. Accepted to Transportation Research Record.
Pramesh Pudasaini, Henrick Haule, Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Empirical analysis of dilemma zone using high-resolution event data. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xi Zhang, Henrick Haule, Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Investigating the Impact of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons on the
Effectiveness of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems. Accepted to ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A:
Systems. -
Yang He, Chengchuan An, Jiawei Lu, Yao-Jan Wu, Zhenbo Lu, and Jingxin Xia (2024). Bayesian Deep Learning Approach for Real-time Lane-based Arrival Curve Reconstruction at Intersection using License Plate Recognition Data. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Adrian Cottam, Xiaofeng Li, and Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Machine-Learning Approach for Estimating Passenger Car Equivalent Factors using Crowdsourced Data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. (Official Link) (PDF)
Pouya Jalali Khalilabadi, Abolfazl Karimpour, Simon T Ramos, and Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Understanding Drivers’ Compliance Behavior: Data-Driven Assessment of Longer Yellow Intervals. Accepted by Transportation Research Record. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li, Adrian Cottam, Xiaobo Ma, and Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Large-Scale Freeway Traffic Flow Estimation using Crowdsourced Data: A Case Study in Arizona. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaobo Ma*, Abolfazl Karimpour#, and Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Data-driven Transfer Learning Framework for Estimating On-ramp and Off-ramp Traffic Flows. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaobo Ma*, Abolfazl Karimpour#, and Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Eliminating the Impacts of Traffic Volume Variation on Before and After Studies: A Causal Inference Approach. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Abolfazl Karimpour#, Pouya Jalali Khalilabadi*, Bailey Homan*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Diahn L. Swartz (2023). Modeling Red-Light Running Behavior Using High-Resolution Event-based Data: A Finite Mixture Modeling Approach. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Pramesh Pudasaini*, Abolfazl Karimpour#, Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Real-time Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections using Single-channel Advance Detector Data. Transportation Research Record. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li#, Adrian Cottam*, and Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Transit Arrival Time Prediction using Interaction Networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 24, Issue 4. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3238289. (Official Link) (PDF)
Weibin Zhang , Chen Yan, Xiaofeng Li , Liangliang Fang, Yao-Jan Wu , and Jun Li (2023). Distributed Signal Control of Arterial Corridors Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 24, Issue 1, pp. 178-190, Jan. 2023. (Official Link) (PDF)
Liang Xia*, Xiaofeng Li, Mohammad Razaur Rahman Shaon, Yao-Jan Wu, and Xinguo Jiang (2023). Arterial Signal Offset Optimization Using Crowdsourced Speed Data. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2677, Issue 2, pp. 1633–1642. (Official Link) (PDF)
Peipei Xu, Xiaofeng Li, Yao-Jan Wu, and Hyunsoo Noh (2022). Network-Level Turning Movement Counts Estimation using Traffic Controller Event-Based Data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 677-691. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaoling Luo*, Xiaobo Ma*, Matthew Munden*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yangsheng Jiang (2021). A Multi-Source Data Approach for Estimating Vehicle Queue Length at Metered On-Ramps. Accepted by ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Abolfazl Karimpour*, Jason C. Anderson, Sirisha Kothuri, and Yao-Jan Wu (2021). Estimating pedestrian delay at signalized intersections using high-resolution event-based data: a finite mixture modeling method, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2021.1926246. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li*, Peipei Xu*, and Yao-Jan Wu (2021). Pedestrian Crossing Volume Estimation at Signalized Intersections using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. Accepted by Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Abolfazl Karimpour*, Robert Kluger, Chenhui Liu, and Yao-Jan Wu (2021). Effects of speed feedback signs and law enforcement on driver speed. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 77, pp. 55-72, ISSN 1369-8478. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaobo Ma*, Abolfazl Karimpour*, and Yao-Jan Wu (2020). Statistical Evaluation of Data Requirement for Ramp Metering Performance Assessment. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol 141, pp. 248-261. (Official Link) (PDF)
Huanmei Qin, Xiuhan Yang, Yao-Jan Wu, Hongzhi Guan, Pengfei Wang, and Nasrin Shahinpoor (2020). Analysis of Parking Cruising Behaviour and Parking Location Choice. Transportation Planning and Technology. Vol 43, Issue 7, pp. 717-734. (Official Link) (PDF)
Abolfazl Karimpour*, Rob Kluger, and Yao-Jan Wu (2020). Traffic Sensor Data-Based Assessment of Speed Feedback Signs. Journal of Safety and Security. Jourmal of Safety and Security. Vol. 13, Issue 12. DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2020.1731038. (Official Link) (PDF)
Amin Ariannezhad* and Yao-Jan Wu (2020). Large-Scale Loop Detector Troubleshooting Using Clustering and Association Rule Mining. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 146, Issue 7. (Official Link) (PDF)
Amin Ariannezhad*, Abolfazl Karimpour* and Yao-Jan Wu (2020). Incorporating Mode Choice into Safety Analysis in Transportation Analysis Zones. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 146, Issue 4. (Official Link) (PDF)
Abolfazl Karimpour, Amin Ariannezhad* and Yao-Jan Wu (2019). Hybrid-Data-Driven Approach for Truck Travel Time Imputation. Accepted by IET Intelligent Transport Systems. (Official Link) (PDF)
Huanmei Qin#, Jianqiang Gao*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Hai Yan (2019). Analysis on context change and repetitive travel mode choices based on a dynamic, computational model. Transport Policy. Vol. 79, pp. 155-164. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yi-Chang Chiu (2019). Volume Estimation Using Traffic Signal Event-Based Data from Video-Based Sensors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (Official Link) (PDF)
Wenming Rao*, Yao-Jan Wu, Jingxin Xia#, Jishun Ou* and Robert Kluger (2018). Origin-Destination Pattern Estimation based on Trajectory Reconstruction Using Automatic License Plate Recognition Data. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 95, pp. 29-46.(Official Link) (PDF)
Jishun Ou*, Shu Yang*, Yao-Jan Wu, Chengchuan An*, Jingxin Xia# (2018). Systematic Clustering Method to Identify and Characterise Spatiotemporal Congestion on Freeway Corridors. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. Vol. 12, Issue 8. (Official Link) (PDF)
Zheng Li*, Robert Kluger, Xianbiao Hu, Yao-Jan Wu, and Xiaoyu Zhu (2018). Reconstructing Vehicle Trajectories to Support Travel Time Estimation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2672, Issue 42, pp. 148–158. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Ming Chen*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Chengchuan An* (2018). Machine Learning Approach to Decomposing Arterial Travel Time Using a Hidden Markov Model with Genetic Algorithm. ASCE Journal of Computing. Vol. 32, Issue 5. Printed online first. (Official Link) (PDF)
Chengchuan An*, Yao-Jan Wu, Jingxin Xia#, and Wei Huang (2018). Real-Time Queue Length Estimation using Event-Based Advance Detector Data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 22, Issue 4, pp. 277-290. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang* and Yao-Jan Wu (2017), Travel Mode Identification Using Bluetooth Technology, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 22, Issue 5, pp. 407-421. (Official link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Chengchuan An*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Jingxin Xia# (2017). Taxicab Availability: Empirical Study of Kunshan, China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2650, Issue 1, pp. 41-57. DOI: 10.3141/2650-06. (Official Link) (PDF)
Jishun Ou*, Jingxin Xia#, Yao-Jan Wu, and Wenming Rao* (2017). Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Roads Using Data-Driven Feature Selection Strategy and Bias-Corrected Random Forests. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2645, Issue1, pp. 157-167. DOI: 10.3141/2645-17. (Official Link) (PDF)
Chengchuan An*, Yao-Jan Wu, Jingxin Xia#, and Zhenbo Lu. (2017). Investigating Impacts of Communication Loss on Signal Performance Using Event-Based Data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2645, Issue 1, pp. 38-49. DOI: 10.3141/2645-05. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Chengchuan An*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Jingxin Xia# (2017). Origin-Destination Based Travel Time Reliability. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2643, Issue 1, pp. 139-159. DOI: 10.3141/2643-16. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang* and Yao-Jan Wu (2016). Mixture Models for Fitting Freeway Travel Time Distributions and Measuring Travel Time Reliability. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2594, Issue 1, pp. 95-106. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Yao-Jan Wu, Zhaozheng Yin and Yiheng Feng (2016). Estimating Freeway Travel Times Using General Motors Model. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2594, Issue 1, pp. 83-94. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Feng Chen, Chang-Tien Lu and Shu Yang (2016). Traffic Flow Prediction for Urban Networks Using a Spatio-Temporal Random Effects Model. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 20, Issue 3, pp. 282-293. DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2015.1072050. (Official Link) (PDF)
Zhenbo Lu, Wenming Rao*, Yao-Jan Wu, Li Guo, and Jingxin Xia# (2015). A Kalman Filter Approach to Dynamic OD Flow Estimation for Urban Road Networks Using Multi-Sensor Data. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Vol. 49, Issue 2, pp. 210-227. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Arif Malik and Yao-Jan Wu (2014). Travel Time Reliability using Hasofer Lind-Rackwitz Fiessler Algorithm and Kernel Density Estimation. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2442, Issue 1, pp. 85-95. (Official Link) (PDF)
Jianyang Zheng, Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2013). Measuring Signalized Intersection Performances in Real-Time with Traffic Sensors. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 304-316. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Guohui Zhang, and Yinhai Wang (2012). Link Journey Speed Estimation for Urban Arterial Performance Measurement using Advance Loop Detector Data under Congested Conditions. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 138, Issue 11, pp. 1321–1332. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xianye Ben, Mingyan Jiang, Yao-Jan Wu, Weixiao Meng (2012). Gait feature coupling for low-resolution face recognition. IET Electronics Letters. Vol. 48, Issue 9, pp. 488–489. (Official link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Shi An, Xiaolei Ma, and Yinhai Wang (2011). Development of Web-Based Analysis System for Real-Time Decision Support on Arterial Networks. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2215, Issue 1, pp. 24-36. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2011). DRIVE Net: An E-Science of Transportation Platform for Data Sharing, Visualization, Modeling, and Analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2215, Issue 1, pp. 37-49. (Official link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Mark E. Hallenbeck, Yinhai Wang, and Kari Edison Watkins (2011). Evaluation of Arterial and Freeway Interaction for Determining the Feasibility of Traffic Diversion. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 137, Issue 8, pp. 509-519. (Official Link) (PDF)
Jonathan Corey, Yunteng Lao, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2011). Detection and Correction of Inductive Loop Detector Sensitivity Errors Using Gaussian Mixture Models. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2256, Issue 1, pp. 120-129. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Guohui Zhang, and Yinhai Wang (2010). Volume Data Correction for Single-channel Advance Loop Detectors at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2160, Issue 1, pp. 128-139. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu and Yinhai Wang (2009). An Interactive Web-based System for Urban Traffic Data Analysis. International Journal of Web Applications. Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp. 241-252. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yegor Malinovskiy, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2009). Video-Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using Spatiotemporal Maps. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2121, Issue 1, pp. 81-89. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yegor Malinovskiy, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2008). Video-Based Monitoring of Pedestrian Movements at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2073, Issue 1, pp. 11-17. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Feng-Li Lian, Chun-Po Huang, and Tang-Hsien Chang (2007). Image Processing Techniques for Lane-Related Information Extraction and Multi-Vehicle Detection in Intelligent Highway Vehicles. International Journal of Automotive Technology. Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 513-520. (Official Link) (PDF)
Sustainable Transportation Planning & Public Transit
Adrian Cottam*, Xiaofeng Li, Mohammad Razaur Rahman Shaon, and Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Investigating the Impacts of E-Scooters on a Bike-sharing System in Tucson, Arizona with a No Ride Zone. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 250-263. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li* , Yao-Jan Wu, and Alireza Khani (2021). Investigating a Small-Sized Bike-Sharing System’s Impact on Transit Usage: A Synthetic Control Analysis in Tucson, Arizona. Public Transport. Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 441-458. (Official Link) (PDF)
Mohammad Razaur Rahman Shaon, Xiaofeng Li, Yao-Jan Wu, and Simon Ramos (2021). Quantitative Evaluation of Advanced Traffic Management Systems using Analytic Hierarchy Process. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2675, Issue 12, pp. 610-621. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaoling Luo*, Adrian Cottam*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yangsheng Jiang (2021). Hybrid-Data Approach for Estimating Trip Purposes. Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2675, Issue 11, pp. 545-553. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li* and Yao-Jan Wu (2021). Real-Time Estimation of Pedestrian Volume at Button-Activated Midblock Crosswalks Using Traffic Controller Event-Based Data. Transportation Research Part C. Vol. 122. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li*, Adrian Cottam*, Yao-Jan Wu, and Alireza Khani (2020). Can a Bikesharing System Reduce Fuel Consumption? Case Study in Tucson, Arizona. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 89. ISSN 1361-9209. (Official Link) (PDF)
Huanmei Qin , Jianqiang Gao, Robert Kluger, Yao-Jan Wu (2018). Effects of perception on public bike-and-ride: A survey under complex, multi-factor mode-choice scenarios. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 54, 264-275, April 2018. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaolei Ma, Congcong Liu, Huimin Wen, Yunpeng Wang, and Yao-Jan Wu (2017). Understanding Commuting Patterns Using Transit Smart Card Data. Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 58, 135-145. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yang Chen*, Shu Yang*, Menqi Hu# and Yao-Jan Wu (2016). A Reliability-based Transit Trip Planning Model under Transit Network. Public Transport. Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 477-496. DOI: 10.1007/s12469-016-0134-y. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Yao-Jan Wu, John Woolschlager (2016). Integrated Modeling Framework for Highway Traffic Pollution Estimation and Dispersion. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp. 140-151. DOI:10.3844/ajessp.2016.140.151. (Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Yao-Jan Wu, Bernadette Marion, and Isaac Moses (2015). Identification of Transit Farebox Data Errors: Impacts on Transit Planning. Public Transport. Vol. 7, pp. 457-473.(Official Link) (PDF)
Shu Yang*, Xuan Liu, Yao-Jan Wu, John Woolschlager and Sarah Coffin (2015). Can Freeway Traffic Volume Information Facilitate Urban Accessibility Assessment? - Case Study of the City of St. Louis. Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 44, pp. 65-75. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaolei Ma, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, Feng Chen, and Jianfeng Liu (2013). Mining Smart Card Data for Transit Riders’ Travel Patterns. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 36, pp. 1-12, (Official Link) (PDF)
Huanmei Qin, Hongzhi Guan, and Yao-Jan Wu (2013). Analysis of Park-and-Ride Decision Behavior based on Decision Field Theory. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 18, pp. 199-212. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yao-Jan Wu, Tanveer Hayat, Andres Clarens and Brian L. Smith (2013). Climate Change Effects on Transportation Infrastructure - Scenario-Based Risk Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2375, Issue 1, pp. 71-81. (Official Link) (PDF)
James H. Lambert, Yao-Jan Wu, Haowen You , Andres Clarens, Brian Smith (2013). Climate Change Influence on Priority Setting for Transportation Infrastructure Assets. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. Vol. 19, Issue 1, pp. 36-46. (Official Link) (PDF)
Traffic Safety
Xi Zhang, Alyssa Ryan, Yao-Jan Wu (2024). Influential Factors of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes Near Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons: Observing Trends through an Applied Analysis. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. Vol. 16, Issue 11, pp. 1307-1330. (Official Link) (PDF)
Pouya Jalali Khalilabadi*, Abolfazl Karimpour#, Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Severity Analysis of Red-Light Running Behavior at Signalized Intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xi Zhang*, Xiaofeng Li, and Yao-Jan Wu (2023). Safety Performance Evaluation of Flashing Yellow Arrow: Time-of-Day vs 24-hour Operations. Transportation Research Record. (Official Link) (PDF)
Amin Ariannezhad*, Abolfazl Karimpour*, Xiao Qin, Yao-Jan Wu, Yasamin Salmani (2021). Handling Imbalanced Data for Real-Time Crash Prediction: Application of Boosting and Sampling Techniques. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A. Vol. 137, Issue 3. (Official Link) (PDF)
Xiaofeng Li*, Alexander Weber*, Adrian Cottam*, and Yao-Jan Wu (2019). Impacts of Changing from Permissive/Protected Left-Turn to Protected-Only Phasing: Case Study in the City of Tucson, Arizona. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol. 2673, Issue 4, pp. 616-626. (Official Link) (PDF)
Amin Ariannezhad* and Yao-Jan Wu (2018). Effects of Adverse Weather in Different Light Conditions on Crash Severity During Arizona’s Monsoon Season. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. Vol. 11, Issue 6, pp. 579-594. ISSN 1943-9962. (Official Link) (PDF)
Tang-Hsien Chang#, Shang-Min Yu*, Yao-Jan Wu (2013). Dilemma Zone Avoidance Development – An Onboard Approach. Intelligent Transport Systems, IET. Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 87-94. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yunteng Lao, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, and Xiaoguang Yang (2012). Applicability of Signalized Single and Double Phase Midblock Crossings. Proceedings of the ICE - Transport. Vol. 166, Issue. 3, pp. 126-136. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yunteng Lao, Yao-Jan Wu, Yinhai Wang, and Kelly McAllister (2012). Fuzzy Logic-based Mapping Algorithm for Improving Animal-Vehicle Collision Data. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. Vol. 138, Issue 5, pp. 520-526. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yunteng Lao, Guohui Zhang, Yao-Jan Wu, and Yinhai Wang (2011). Modeling for Animal-Vehicle Collisions Considering Animal-Vehicle Interactions. Accident Analysis and Prevention Journal. Vol. 43, Issue 6, pp. 1991-1998. (Official Link) (PDF)
Yunteng Lao, Yao-Jan Wu, Jonathan Corey, and Yinhai Wang (2011). Modeling Animal-Vehicle Collisions Using Diagonal Inflated Bivariate Poisson Regression. Accident Analysis and Prevention Journal. Vol. 43, Issue 1, pp. 220-227. (Official Link) (PDF)

Word cloud for all journal papers published as of 2018